Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Round 2, Day 7: what i've learned

I have learned that Day 7 is better than Day 6.  

That even though seagrams gingerale tastes like toxic waste, canada dry gingerale is not too bad.  

That my stomach feels better when I force food into it, even when I don't want to.

That no matter how bad I feel, time does pass.

And that a good cry really can make me feel better sometimes.  


  1. You know, my dad is a firm believer in Canada Dry Ginger Ale (I should have remembered it -- arrgh!!) because it comes from Canada. I have no idea why Canada and ginger go together in his mind as a perfect combination, but you may have confirmed it here!

  2. I love ginger and I love Canada, so it all makes perfect sense :-)

    I didn't even think of it until this morning - picked one up after dropping you in the cab.

  3. I have instructed Peapod that this house only accepts Canada Dry. No Seagrams here! At least not anymore...:-) xoxo, d
