Tuesday, November 30, 2010

29 RADS Done: letting the hair out of the hat

That's right, with just one radiation treatment to go, I report to you now that i have let my hair out of my hat finally at work, the one place where I was holding out.  It is coming in quite nicely, except that it is gray.  According to the mayo clinic:  "When your hair starts to grow back, it will probably be slightly different from the hair you lost. But the difference is usually temporary. Your new hair might have a different texture or color. It might be curlier than it was before, or it could be gray until the cells that control the pigment in your hair begin functioning again."

So, i have chemo gray.

Which looks pretty much like squirrel gray.  

Nonetheless, it is hair.  And it is happy to have been let out of the hat.


  1. It does NOT look as light as "squirrel gray".
    It's really coming in though!

  2. Even though it's a different color, it's looking great. I agree with your brother. Better than a wig, right? Maybe you'll have straight hair for a little while...
