Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Round 4, Day 6: Not much to report

Reporting that there is not much to report.  Friday, saturday and sunday mornings went for short walks in the morning.  The weather was blissfully not 100 degrees this weekend.  The weekend went by relatively quickly with a visit from my brother, and additional visits from friends ($100,000 pyramid, anyone?).  Pete took very good care of me and handed me back off to friends today.

Have been taking the zofran proactively this time around for a longer period of time to try to prevent the queasiness.  I think that the extra week off, although not something I wanted, has made this round not as bad as it otherwise could have been.  I'm very tired, but time is passing.  In about a week or so, I will really feel 2/3 done.


  1. I really like the proactive approach to queasiness, because nausea just hits and of course one's usually not expecting it! Right now I'm suffering something similar and it's been a little troublesome except for the universal savior: Canada Dry Ginger Ale! Air conditioning helps, too, since it's nearly 94 degrees here in NYC where I'm staying right now.

  2. Oh no! It is always better to get ahead of the nausea. You know many of my tricks - saltines, ginger, peppermint, etc. Those pressure points on the wrist are good too. Hope you feel better soon!
