Monday, August 9, 2010

Round 4, Day 12: What day is it?

In about an hour it will be 8-9-10, 11:12 (and 13 seconds).  (Math geek at heart, I think that's really cool.)  But I only knew what date it was this morning by checking with my computer.  Lately I find I have no idea what day or date it is.  But I usually know what day in my treatment cycle it is.

My "middle weekend" (days 9, 10, 11) of round 4 was not such a good one side effects wise.  My stomach was seriously off and on saturday, I had a pretty bad bout of nausea while at, of all places, the massage therapist.  Took my first compazine (the extra pill for break-through nausea), since I'd already taken zofran that morning.  It did knock out the nausea, as well as me -- I was a very groggy zombie for hours after.

Yoga on Sunday (at Circle Yoga) was nice.  The women there all wanted to know how I'd been doing and I was greeted with a hug.  It's like a support group but with stretching and yoga poses.

Implementing my resolution to take better care of myself physically, I decided to work from home today.  Slept in past 9 a.m., and stopped working around 4:30.  Acupuncture and then 2 miles on the treadmill at the gym.   And off to bed for lotsa sleep.


  1. I remember hearing that massage tends to push out toxins from one's body, so that most people might tend to feel a little bit funny after a massage (hence the need to drink water to flush things out). It's not too surprising, then, that your body had a nausea episode in the middle of the massage appointment. I think it's great that you are writing about how the different medicines come into play for different reasons, as I find it really informative.

  2. Interesting; I hadn't thought about it that way. Makes sense.
