Saturday, September 4, 2010

Round 5, Day 17: taking it easy

My red blood cell counts were low the last two treatments, and as a result, I'm slightly anemic which is making my heart beat way faster than it normally does and is making me tired.  And, of course, fatigue is a major side effect of chemo anyway.  So, have been trying to take it easy this past week.

Thus, worked from home more than usual over the last week and a half.  Low key visit with dad & stepmom this weekend.  Short walk this morning.  Longer walk planned tomorrow with a friend.   Trying to gather as much strength as possible to cope with Treatment No. 6 (aka the LAST TREATMENT!) scheduled for thursday.

And am enjoying the spectacular weather!

1 comment:

  1. Phyllis -- I had an awesome time walking (and getting breakfast/lunch) with you yesterday!!!! I'll be thinking about you as you start your next (AND LAST) round this week. I will be following you, but when you feel up to another walk in a couple of weeks, let me know!! If there is anything I can do in the meantime (play cards/games, bring you lots of koolaid, or anything else), let me know! HUGSSS!
