Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Round 3, Day 14: Halfway Hat

Wig stayed home today.  Celebrated halfway with a new hat, which I wore to work today.

Cinders got cozy with free head this morning.

In side effects news:

Eyes have been tearing quite a bit.  That's due to the taxotere.

Really feeling the fatigue - it's hard to get through the work day.  Yesterday, I finally tried out the "relaxation" room.

I was wrong about the hot flashes.  They disappeared as soon as I stopped taking the steroid, and flushing is one of the steroid's side effects.  So, I believe that's what I was experiencing.  How all those athletes can stand it, I don't know.

Stomach is vaguely ok, although I would not say I feel WELL yet.  Water is tasting bad.  Having trouble staying sufficiently hydrated.   Recent enjoyable food items:  pasta, mint ice cream, nutella, strawberry italian ice and marzipan.


  1. Hi Phyll--who took the picture of you in the hat?

  2. The picture was taken on wednesday night right after I bought the hat by Ilene.

  3. Love the new hat!!!!! Hope you enjoyed your relaxation room experience, glad you have some supportive coworkers. Take it easy and stay hydrated as the crazy hot weather returns!

  4. Have you tried mint ice cream on pasta? How about marzipan lasagna? Oh Lord, I've been hanging around your uncle Walter too long...

  5. I'm sure he'd come up with a punny one!
