Thursday, July 22, 2010

Not Round 4 yet

Just a quick update.  I have what my doctor (my surgeon, Dr. Cocilovo) believes to be an infection.  Some redness, warmth, and fluid vaguely near where my surgery was.  I feel fine physically (other than tired) but chemo has been delayed by a week.  Much as I was dreading it, it is more frustrating to have it delayed.  It's been an aggravating few days.  Yesterday's visit at georgetown took over three hours.  Much waiting.  And that wasn't even the aggravating part.  That was the four phone calls trying to get Dr. McGrail to call me back.  And my chemo-induced impatience and frustration with having to reschedule everything that's based on my 21-day cycle over the next two months.

Follow-up with Dr. Colilovo at georgetown tomorrow to see if antibiotics are kicking in and helping infection (if that's what it is).

New end date (tentatively):  September 9, with 13-16 days after to feel better.


  1. I understand your frustration. If it helps at all, try focusing on something distracting like sudoku or a good funny movie - or knitting or putting a collage together. Anything that helps you relax and
    take your mind off your frustration helps you heal.
    Good luck with the antibiotics.

  2. Definitely trying all of the above (except for the knitting...although the cats would have a ball with that!). The antibiotics seemed to have done their trick - whew.
