Sunday, June 26, 2011

More race, more tests

Another race....two weeks ago I ran Survivor Harbor 4-mile race in baltimore with the Cancer-to-5K team and my friend Lisa.  It was hot, humid, sunny, sweaty, sticky, steamy, exhausting -- and an amazing experience! Was not feeling well the day before and almost turned around and went back to DC Saturday evening as I was driving up to baltimore.  But I managed to talk myself down from the ledge, did some good deep breathing exercises, and turned around and headed north to baltimore.  I told myself - if I don't feel well tomorrow, I can always just walk for four miles. It's about being part of something, finishing, and not necessarily worrying about being the fastest.

I had my own volunteer "sherpa" to help pace me during the race, Jenn.  She pushed me to keep running until we get to the each mile marker, and then take a well deserved water break. After the first 20 minutes, I was pouring as much water down my back, on my head etc. as I was drinking.  My frozen water bottle helped immensely.  The last mile was rough - sunny, hot, and more than I'd run since March 2010!  At the finish, my GPS watch said the race was actually 4.17 miles...finished a few seconds shy of 55 minutes! 

And more tests.... a continuing weird blister led to my surgeon recommending an ultra sound.  Although I'd had a clean mammogram just a month ago, was still nervous.  Thankfully, it didn't show anything cancerous (or much of anything at all).  

Some bruising on my arm, so I need to get my platelets tested soon.  And some female symptoms and may need to go for an endometrial biopsy.  Uterine cancer is a side effect of the tamoxifen that I'm taking - I think it increases the risk from 1 in 1,000 to 3 in 1,000.  Ugh.  And I have heard that that test hurts like holy hell.  Oh well, I'll deal.  

Have been hiking the last few weekends, near (Great Falls) and far (Shenandoah).  

And have now lost 7 of my 10 chemo pounds.  3 more to go!  

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