Saturday, June 12, 2010

Round 2, Day 2: Hair today, gone tomorrow

So, I have decided it is time to put my hairs out of their misery.  They are coming out more quickly and in larger amounts, and this will only increase now that I've had my second treatment.  So, tomorrow, unless i chicken out, I will head up to the wig store and get it all chopped off.  I've got friends going with me, so i think it'll be ok.  Different, but ok.

My new hair style 

In other news, day 2 has gone ok.  Went for a short walk this morning and met one of the awesome women going through the same chemo regimen as me.  Then, neulasta shot and reflexology.  And have a friend from out-of-town visiting with me over the weekend and into early next week.  Some stomach pain but not unbearable, and my eyes are tearing and stinging because of the taxotere.  Otherwise, just tired (but wired at the same time); off to sleep soon, i hope!

1 comment:

  1. Can we find out what shade of and brand of lipstick the manekin is wearing? Likey. Likey. xoxo, d
