Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Round 2, Day 13: Back on the upswing

God bless Day 13.  My stomach woes, which have been pretty woeful over the last week, have subsided and I can even stand to drink water again.  Knocking on wood and hoping it continues.  

What else?  Not much to report.  Bought some cute hats.  Am discovering more foods that should taste great that seem gross (Pad Thai and Chicken Tikka Masala).   Did not walk today or yesterday   :-(  And it is supposed to be 99 degrees tomorrow and thursday.  Will try for yoga tomorrow and the treadmill at the gym on thursday.

Time is moving very strangely for me these days.  I view everything in 21 day cycles.  I look at today and think back to my last day 13 and look forward to my next day 13.  I have marked on my calendar all of my upcoming "good" weekends (i.e., weekends prior to treatment) and look forward to those the most.  Second only to looking forward to the end of september when this, and 99 degree weather, are all behind me.

Above:  Lily & Cinders keep mom company


  1. Chicken Tikka Masala can be hazardous (flavor-wise, or smell-wise) even when one isn't feeling unwell, so it's rather brave of you to try it out. It makes sense, though, to return to dishes you like and see if you can add them to the list of happy foods for Phyl!

    How did you get those two to pose together? Did you photoshop them?

    I hope you do a posting on your new hats and the halo!

  2. The picture was from June 6, and no, believe it or not, I caught these two on the couch together! A few days before that, my mom actually captured photos of Lily licking Cinders!

    Yeah, the chicken tikka masala was probably not a wise choice, but I've been so frustrated by nothing tasting good that I figured it was worth a shot.

  3. Okay...where are Lily and Cinders? Are these stunt cats? I have never ever witnessed both of them sitting so diligently at once. xoxo, d

  4. "I view everything in 21 day cycles."...you and women with severe PMS.

    I view everything in terms of 6. And 3 of 6 is halfway through...:-) Wow. xoxo, d

  5. I think when I'm not looking, every once in a blue moon, the kitties hang out together. But the moon has not been blue since that day a few weeks ago.

    Since the chemo knocked out my "cycle" on the first try (i.e., after the first treatment) (sorry, TMI?), I view myself as being in a semi-permanent state of PMS!
