Friday, February 3, 2012

Taking steps

The new year has been filled with me taking many steps.

I am taking many steps as I train for the half marathon (March 17).

I am taking steps in figuring out ways to help others on insurance issues... after some conversations over this past month, I have gotten confirmation - I will give a workshop this fall at a conference held by Living Beyond Breast Cancer on health insurance issues!  Very excited about this.

Also exploring doing some pro bono work for a new clinic at a local law school - helping patients going through cancer on health insurance difficulties.

And I am taking steps with my photography - have started a new blog to display my hiking pictures:  Just getting started on this but it's been a lot of fun.

Sleep is so-so, but that's better than terrible, so that's something.

My left shoulder is now seriously officially frozen and painful, and I hope it takes steps toward feeling better soon!


  1. I'd say a solid so-so, but it's not too bad. It was horrible for about six weeks after coming back from florida. I started taking melatonin for about a month, and that helped some. Talk to you soon!
