Thursday, September 1, 2011


Had two appointments today.  First was my pelvic ultrasound.  After drinking my obligatory 32 ounces of water, and then waiting about 45 minutes (test needs to be done with a full bladder) I was VERY ready to get the procedure started.

The test showed that I have a cyst on my ovaries - something to be monitored but not concerned about, my doctor told me.  My uterine lining was 11.5 mm thick, which was a little thicker than my doctor wanted to see (10 mm was her cut off), so I need to return in a few weeks for an endometrial biopsy.  She said she was not really concerned that it was cancer (she said typically the lining would be 20-25 mm thick at that point) but she just wants to be sure.  So, will have to have follow up for that.  It's scheduled for September 19.

My second appointment today was a followup with Dr. Croog, my radiation oncologist.  My edema (swelling) & redness are much decreased (which I really hadn't noticed).  She said everything looks good.  Need to go back to Sibley later in September for a followup mammogram.

So follow-ups leading to more follow-ups pretty much sums up today.


  1. Hi Phyll,

    I'm sorry the ultrasound test wasn't better, but I'm really glad it wasn't worse. Sorry you have to go for another follow up, but I think it's good your doctor is taking everything seriously. And that's great that the swelling and redness are down. I know the mammogram will be a difficult follow up, but I hope it and the biopsy both go well.



  2. Thanks. It definitely could have been worse!
