Monday, September 13, 2010

Round 6, Day 5: Last Day 5!!

I am now officially a chemo graduate -- got my applause on thursday led by nurse Karen!  Here I am being unplugged.  Of course, I get to come back every three weeks to complete a year for my Herceptin infusion, but that is not supposed to have the side effects of chemo.

Mom and Susie brought me mini cupcakes to celebrate.  And I came home to a treat - surprise backdoor decorations (thanks Suzie!).

Friday my usual routine - neulasta shot and reflexology appointment.  My hip joints have been hurting somewhat this time, a potential side effect of the shot.

Saturday a walk with Bessie - the hair's coming back quick!  Sunday actually ventured out in the morning to Adams Morgan day for a bit.  Today - acupuncture.  Other than that, lots of US Open and lots of napping.  SOOOOOOOOO relieved that this is the last one!!!


  1. Woohoo!! (Say that three times loudly) The smiles are huge in those photos. Congratulations!

  2. Oh Phyllis - I'm just checking in aftr a couple of days and I am sooooooo excited to read your post about your graduation from chemo!!!!!!! Congrats darlin', you made it!!!! *clapping my hands*

    And how awesome that your hair is coming back in.....but I do love all the great looks with the wigs....You look good as a blonde! :)

  3. Thanks! Once I get past these last few days of stomach distress, I will start to celebrate. To clarify about the hair - it is my friend Bessie's hair which is growing in incredibly quickly ... she's about two months ahead of me. But I do have hairs now coming in, so check with me in about two months!
