Sunday, July 11, 2010

Round 3, Day 11: Baldly walking

While my earlier days this round did not seem quite as bad as they did in earlier rounds, my middle days - including my first few days back at work - were much more difficult than in earlier rounds.  Difficult as in, really fatigued, and still queasy.  On Days 8 & 9 took more of my zofran (super nausea-fighting drug) (which, by the way, even though I only pay $20 for it, is marked at retail as over $920!).  Yesterday and today the stomach pain is back.  My entire digestive tract cannot wait until mid-September.

In other, and more pleasant, news, the heat wave broke and yesterday my friend Debbie (visiting from Boston) and I took a 3 mile walk in the evening.  After we walked a few blocks, I decided that my sweaty head really wanted to be exposed to the fresh air, and I finally got over my fear of walking around in public bald!  (that is, bald but for my patchy fuzz, some of which is still left).  Always one to worry about what others think, it actually felt very liberating to walk around without a hat or other head covering, realizing that the general public is not judging me for being without my hairs.

Another nearly 2 1/2 mile walk this morning (where I did cover my head to protect it from the sun) was nice but started to get a little overheated towards the end.  Back to life indoors.


  1. How inspiring to read about your courageous moment!! You are STILL beautiful no matter how many hairs you have! I am glad its been a bit cooler, so you have been able to get out walking!

  2. Could it be the long walks are making you more tired this time?

  3. thanks Jenn! Generally walking is energizing for me, though of course, I may have overdone it on sunday morning cause it was a little too hot for me.

  4. S---W what other people think - you are beautiful with or without hair. You're allowed to think of YOU and what you need.
